💙 This is a super interesting topic - neuroplasticity, and how you can literally rewire your brain through your thoughts and actions
💙In lifestyle medicine it's a huge part of the journey to wellness - you can have a perfect diet and exercise regime, but if you fail to address the effect of the mind on health, you will miss a big part of the picture
💙There is a bi-directional link between mind and body - your brain influences your physical actions, and your movements affect your brain
💙The harvard power pose study showed that altering a pose to a 'confident' one actually reduced stress hormones and improved 'confidence' hormones in just minutes.
💙Neuroplasticity studies show that if you move a muscle consistently in a certain way, it builds 'memory' in the brain, making it more effective over time
💙These changes are actually visible on MRI scanning - you can literally rewire your brain!
💙Ie standing confidently, smiling, holding an upright relaxed posture, all alters brain pathways, meaning it gets easier to do them with repetition
💙Visualisation of movements has a similar effect, in another study people who visualised playing piano daily had the same brain changes as those who actually practiced. Similarly stroke patients who visualised movement improved faster!!
💙Studies in people with irritable bowel syndrome have found that gut directed hypnosis works as well as dietary changes
💙Guided imagery has also been shown to work in pain, cancer treatment, depression /anxiety, and sports performance
💙Each time you visualise a positive action, you strengthen this neural pathway, and weaken the negative ones - over time this is like a muscle growing stronger and more effective
💙Guided muscle relaxation has a similar effect for stress /tension
💙Mindfulness, yoga, etc work on the same principle
💙Regular mindfulness actually increases your prefrontal cortex (the part of your brain that affects decisions, creativity etc)
💙The science is there - all you have to do is try it 😊
https://www.google.com/amp/s/lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2019/06/24/1351605/how-hypnotherapy-is-helping-people-suffering-from-irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs%3famp=121wReply http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1580438,00.html